August blog


The NHS situation is now dire:

Sunak and the cabal in cabinet who hate the NHS are now unashamedly, openly, enabling profiteer private providers to take funds from our PUBLIC TAX NHS to private, for profit, companies.

The problem of RAAC (reinforced, aireated, autoclaved concrete in many hospitals) built on the cheap has been recognised for a decade.

Kings Lynn hospital is held up by hundreds of Acrow props-a disgrace...

Hunt says "schools will be fixed asap-but hospitals, NOT SOON, maybe never..."



The public, the electorate, have had absolutely no say, no referendum, in this blatant destruction of our tax-funded NHS to profiteers-their cronies-until a general election.

Even then, manifestoes are simply works of fiction, wild hopes-which can be counteracted the minute a government is in place: as did Blair, Cameron, May, Hunt, Javid, Lansley et al...

They refuse to retain frontline NHS staff by full pay restoration.

They make NHS frontline staff depressed by stifling whistleblowers, threatening ethical caring vocational staff with career-ending GMC, NMC, hearings...

Every frontline NHS and Social care worker knows to keep your head down, do not whistleblow,
kept subjugated by threats of referral to NMC, GMC, blacklisted for life from future NHS employment..., f
ear of Pension grab.

All frontline workers are told never to speak out to public or press- “smears the Trust”

Protect the Cabinet, Protect the Ministers, Protect the Dept of Health, Protect the Trust, Protect the Managers.

Do not protect the Doctors, Nurses, Surgeons, Midwives, Anaethetists…

Do not protect the patients

Thatcher and Major brought in Sainsbury supermarket manager, Griffiths to run hospitals as a business. Competition, not collaboration…
A biscuit manufacturer manager ran one Trust

Foundation Trusts: maintain a profit. Preserve the Trust’s reputation with banks, public, D o Health, Government, Cabinet...

Do not let faults be seen… Sweep problems under the carpet, hide them...

Dilution of Doctors, Consultants, GPs influence
Never let a Doctor be Minister of Health
(Lansley deffo does not count-a traitor to the NHS)

The Beverly Allit case had reccomendations that were never applied. Some NHS managers lose their sense of medical ethics in a new sea of NHS management-think.

The actions of some managers in investigations incude-

-deleting thousand of emails before an investigation

-lying, editing "minutes"-never a "true and accurate record" as to the words spoken in the course of a meeting

(doctors would be well-advised advised to record video and audio of meetings on two seperate devices, copied to Protection Society and BMA and lawyer)

Retiring from one trust with NDA, going to another trust the day after...

Leaving the country...

The public are not told openly about-

-poor care, poor performence of some Trusts, toxic environment, bullying, car park charges, poor treatment of staff, poor maintainance of RAAC crumbling buildings...

-privatisation of services-pathology, musculo skeletal, ambulance Trusts...

-massive understaffing, staff burnout, lack of motivation, anxiety, depression...

Maternity cover-ups

suspicions of malevolent actions,

pay loss due to government instructing Pay Review Bodies to kowtow to Treasury diktat...

The DH appreciates crafty, coverup managers, (who get invited to alter minutes, cover up and conceal concerns all over the country), and appreciates threats against whistleblowers to ensure silence...

who can loose their career completely, house, wife, children, suicide...




Palentir should never be allowed to hold aggregated NHS patient data-which is worth millions to US style Accountable Care Organisations, like Centene, United Health, Operose (owned by Penrose-a government MP fanatic arch privatiser...)



Palantir: Guardian 14 September

Had an abortion? In Texas-it’s a felony. May we share with your GP?
Medical records can be used by Home Office to track Immigrants
The NHS holds the richest set of health data. Worth £9.6 billion a year-tech giants use to build AI learning systems
NHS want a Federated data platform FDR
-contract £480 million over 5 years
NHS should build this, rather than private enterprise

Palantir-US security, border forces, police-used to clear streets of undesireables...
Peter Thiel-supports Trump, anti abortion, anti birth control...
Data protection and digital information bill: DPDI dilutes
EU 2018 General Data Protection Regulations GDPR
Google has deal to share 2000 clinics data...
girl, 19, sentenced to 90 days prison: had abortion at start of third trimester-from Facebook
mother 5 years procuring
UK-Google query-convicted

2013-NHS digital
Home Office demands to see data
Palantir lobbied heavily-from within DHSS, during pandemic-normal rules relaxed
Tony Blair: 2002 £12 billion over 10 years-failed
2014 Cameron cancelled 2016

General Practice Data for Planning & Research-give data to private companies
Other contenders: Oxford-Open Safely
Oracle Cerner, IBM
Palantir funded by CIA venture capital, InQtel
-mass surveillance, Iraq Afghanistan
US UK spy agencies NSA, GCHQ Xkey score
Thiel: the NHS “rip the whole thing from the ground and start over...”
Management software: Foundry-Chelsea & Westminster cut waits by 28%
11 paused or suspended
Liverpool heart: didn’t meet our needs
not user friendly, horrendous cost
NHS 3000 vacant tech roles. Palantir recruited top NHS staff
2021 paused


Lady Hallet should demand all Boris's phone, burner, erased, Signal erased messages, for exposure of the VIP corrupt PPI contracts


Crucifiction of Whistleblowers by Cabinet, SoS Health, Trusts

NHS England role- urged Chambers to take a new London job

Labour equally determined to give ultra limited private sector NHS monies, taking NHS staff teams away…

Refusing to create a new NHS tax directly proportional to income

Refuse to cap private salaries

Refuse to tax the rich…

Fundamental to RETAIN existing frontline, recruit AND KEEP new frontline- GPS, Midwives …



Government errors:

Thatcher-yuppies, city deregulated...

Banking crisis: Brown "I admire the ingenuity of the city" (Giving mortgages to unemployed, Credit default swaps squared,

Gambling banks used Retail banks cash... CRASH!!!



Boris and Sunak spent money like water; extreme borrowing, HS2...


so-extreme level of borrowing...

To assuage markets, after Truss, Hunt-drastic austerity again: "There is no money for anything-even the NHS..." and Sunak spent money like water...russ: dismissed all the checks aalances, ignored experts: CRASH...

VIP Lane theft not investigated
Boris phones not given toHallet
Females sexually attacked- male consultants hold sway
(Who do I have to sleep with to get promoted? TA)
Managers protect Trust, SOS health, government- never nurses, doctors, patients, whistleblowers
Treasury refuse money, refuse to raise NHS tax directly proportional to income
Dentists would need a good salary, premises, staff, expenses paid for, to do basic NHS dentistry- extractions, fillings, plastic dentures



Cabinet want to drive GPs, doctors, nurses, midwives out to reduce staff before giving or selling the atomised fragments of NHS to profiteer US-style corporations like United Health, Centene, Operose (run by Penrose, who wants to privatise our NHS- who buy and sell like pieces of Wilko...





VIP Lane theft not investigated
Boris phones not given toHallet
Females sexually attacked- male consultants hold sway
Who do I have to sleep with to get promoted TA
Managers protect Trust, SOS health, government- never nurses, doctors, patients, whistleblowers
Treasury refuse money, refuse to raise NHS tax directly prop to income
Dentists would need a good salary, premises, staff, expenses paid to do basic NHS dent- extension, fillings, plastic dentures

Cabinet want to drive GPS, doctors, nurses, midwives out to reduce staff before giving or selling the fragments of NHS to profiteer .uS style corporations like U Health, Centene- who buy and sell like pieces of pizza…
Steve Sanford